Friday 6 July 2012

they say that life is all about the lemons, so i eat lemons

le lemon from ano natsu de matteru

so then here i am, this is kai-kun or i might be known as hazeintheroad or just haze in other online community (i'd be dumbfounded if most of you actually recognized me though). of course as most of you can tell, this is an introduction post so i'll be giving you a lil heads up on what kind of person i am and what i'll be doing here in this humble writing space of mine
for starters what i'd be doing in this blog would be giving anime impressions and reviews over content related to japanese pop culture in general ( i'll leave the card game stuff to my other fellow writers though haha) now lets start with the reason why i've decided to all these writing and sharing. its a simple reason really, when you like some thing, you want to share it with THE WORLD so basically it started out with a cultivation of my interest in pop culture. you can thank your friend and my fellow writer sealedtime who started by introducing me to the world of anime. of course much like most people we all started watching anime without knowing they were anime (i for one thought they were american cartoons, something which i credit to fox kids) but i grew up watching anime like yugioh, digimon and all those stuff they show on children's cartoon.

mother of god i thought his name was really davis
of course our good friend sealedtime eventually introduced me to anime which i started watching on occasion (shaman king on late night television) but the one that really got me aware of japanese culture was To Aru Majutsu No Index (and not bleach one piece or naruto unfortunately) Now the reason why i wanted to blog on japanese pop culture is because i simply want to share my appreciation for it. ever had the BOOM PHEW KAZOOM WEE WEE kinda feeling that you want everyone else to have? neither have i but i consider this close enough. anime for one has a knack of deep storytelling that pulls in the viewer (though i admit not all are like that) that can pull one in deeply. even slice of life stories can pull one in deeply (and seriously its a feat to care so much about what happens in everyday life, i.e, school, baking terrible bread, music, starfishes, ghosts, orbs of lights. yes i'm looking at you clannad). I even have a personal favourite classic, eureka seven.

ohh myy god the 'hnnnnggg'  

to sum it up i wanna share all the goodies with the world, that is to say life has given me the lemons, so imma take it, make lemonade, take a sip and then share it with the world.

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